Following Monday’s meeting of the Match Review Panel, the RFL has acknowledged that the implementation of the new Head Contact Sentencing Framework caused controversy and confusion during Round Two of the Betfred Super League especially around the red card shown to Fa’amanu Brown.
The statement from the RFL read: “This was most obvious in Friday’s match at Warrington Wolves, with the dismissal of Hull FC’s Nu Brown late in the first half.
“On studying the incident, the MRP decided it did not merit a charge under the Framework. This has highlighted a lack of clarity in the procedures regarding head on head contact, which left the officials at Friday’s game in an invidious position.
“The section of the Framework relating to head-on-head contact will now be amended, emphasising that it applies only to initial contact. Once the mechanics of the tackle become more fluid, officials are able to use their knowledge and game-understanding to mitigate the sanction, to reflect the level of culpability of the tackler.
“This point will be reinforced to Betfred Super League head coaches at a pre-arranged meeting on Wednesday, and to playing representatives of all 12 Super League clubs at a separate meeting later in the day.”
This is a major step forward in ensuring these rules keep players save but also sustain the sanctity of the sport where players are allowed to have accidents on the field which are of course are an inevitable part of the sport.
It should fault the fury from the players that came on Friday night through to Saturday morning.
Super League charges as Fa’amanu Brown avoids offence
Following Round Two of the Betfred Super League, the Match Review Panel have issued the following sanctions with Fa’amanu Brown avoiding an offence.
Jack Brown (Hull FC) – Grade B Dangerous Contact – £250 Fine
Harvey Barron (Hull FC) – Grade B Dangerous Contact – £250 Fine
Will Gardner (Hull FC) – Grade B Dangerous Contact – £250 Fine
Liam Sutcliffe (Hull FC) – Grade D Contact with Match Officials – 2 Match Penalty Notice and £250 Fine
James Donaldson (Leeds Rhinos) – Grade D Head Contact – 2 Match Penalty Notice and £250 Fine
Sam Lisone (Leeds Rhinos) – Grade D Head Contact – 3 Match Penalty Notice and £250 Fine