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“Look at Warrington and the money they spend” – Watson makes interesting Grand Final comments

Huddersfield Giants

Huddersfield Giants were tipped to compete for the Super League title at the start of the season with their star studded squad.

However, they are currently in the bottom half of the table.

But Ian Watson has cautioned against these high expectations.

“When you look back at the teams who have won the competition over the last few years, it is very difficult,” Watson said before highlighting Warrington Wolves’ inability to lift the Super League trophy.

“Look at Warrington, all the money they have spent and they haven’t won the Grand Final yet.”

He admitted that the club are probably ahead of where they should be in terms of expectations:

“We were probably a year or two ahead last year so now we’re ahead of where people’s expectations are of us.”

Watson also spoke about the attitude of the squad after their latest defeat:

“It is a good group, mate. It’s a good group of people as well, to be fair. They understand where we are, they understand what they do right and what they’ve done wrong. And they’re all of the same opinion that last week our attack was outstanding.

“We made a point over the last couple of weeks of trying to get our attack pretty razor sharp to be fair. What we said, the one thing we can’t do is, well we’re practising more attack, we can’t miss the D side of things.

“But obviously, yeah, we did, we turned up. Because if you look before that, teams weren’t really breaking us down. Teams were scoring off kicks, individual errors, things like that. They weren’t teams that are opening us up, so it was showing that kind of our processes and our defensive system were still pretty good.

“We just need to have a focus to be able to defend every play, to not clock off and to make sure we do the little effort areas really, really well, unlike the last tackle. But like I said, the big pleasing signs were the attack came through last week again we put that together with some decent D and you’re a completely different team altogether.”

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