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Nick Fozzard says “fact were withheld” from him as he explains lawsuit decision

The legal action being taken by former Rugby League and Rugby Union players has now reached a total of 378 players.

The RFL, along with other organisations, are set to have to deal with a court case where players will claim they suffered brain injuries due to playing the sport.

Covering bodies in football and rugby union will also have to deal with the case which is due to be filed at High Court recently according to BBC.

BBC have also reported that the new claimants include 100 former rugby league players and that over 200 ex-rugby players are involved.

Of these, the headline addition is that of Nick Fozzard.

Fozzard started his career at Leeds Rhinos in 1993 prior to playing for Huddersfield Giants and Warrington Wolves.

The best spell of his career came at St Helens, in two stints separated by time with Hull KR.

He also played for Castleford Tigers and Dewsbury Rams.

Speaking to BBC of the decision, he said:

“I once broke my cheekbone, tore my eye ligaments, got concussed,” he said. “I only found out I’d done all that damage a few weeks later. I missed one game.

“The issue isn’t getting hurt, you’re going to get hurt playing rugby league but when you get hurt you need to be fixed afterwards as best you can be and the systems need to be put in there.

“I was never told of any risks. No one said ‘listen this is a really rough, tough sport, these are the risks, this is what could happen to you if you play it and then you know what the score is’.

“But I didn’t know the score. I didn’t know I was going to forget everybody’s names of friends and it would change my personality.”

Now speaking on Twitter, he has underlined the more emotional and heartfelt reasons behind his decision.

“I’m involved in this case to provide for my kids & fiancée when I’m no longer here – I hope you can all relate to that,” he said.

“I’m also involved to help bring about better medical procedures and care for players after injury.”

Following this, Fozzard was hit with a bit of a backlash given the way he used to play.

He has now taken to social media again to further explain his decision:

“I feel very lucky to have had the life I’ve had in rugby league I don’t feel bitter I’d do it all again in a heartbeat Just wish I’d have known at the start of my career the facts that were withheld from me so I could have taken out insurance against what was coming.

“Maybe only a crazy person would do it all again in a heartbeat knowing what can be one of you Or maybe just a person with a severe brain injury or a person that has both.”

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