For a long time there has been a discussion over whether there should be a video referee at every Super League fixture.
This has been raised even more recently especially after some key decisions have been highlighted in non-televised games.
Now Super League star Mitchell Pearce has called for this change to be made as soon as possible on The Bench podcast: “I think they need a video ref for each game. Obviously all the games aren’t televised but I just think there’s some inconsistent calls with the tries.
“There was a game we played against Warrington on TV the other week and I think if it wasn’t on TV we might have won because some of those tries would have got awarded, but you miss some and win some.
“I think consistently though a video ref would come in handy.”
Meanwhile, Jon Wilkin asked the key question: “How much can it cost? Could they not do it satellite? Could there not just be a guy looking at screens?”
Jenna Brooks: “This isn’t intel but I’d assume that moving forward with IMG’s involvement, if we do get to see every game live in some way and again I haven’t heard this, I assume that every game will have a video ref.”