Sean Long confirms Featherstone Rovers’ captain and leadership group

Featherstone Rovers’ new boss Sean Long has confirmed his new Leadership Group, which includes Club Captain James Lockwood and two Vice Captains Chris Hankinson & Matty Wildie.

The new leadership structure, will consist of a group of eight players.

The role of Captain will be continued for a fifth season by James Lockwood who leads the charge along with Chris Hankinson and Matty Wildie as his newly-appointed Vice Captains.

The Leadership Group has been comprised of players with significant experience in the game and includes new recruits Elijah Taylor and Caleb Aekins who are joined by Jack Bussey, Johnathon Ford and Junior Moors.

Together the Leadership Group will work closely with Sean Long so the team as a whole can take responsibility and accountability in regards to on-field performance.

“These are players that all lead in their own way naturally and it was a no-brainer to have James Lockwood continue as the Club Captain with his experience and presence around the Club, he epitomises everything it means to be a leader.

“As for the others they have just been leaders in their own way at training and I consider them to be the right people for the job.

“We have weekly leadership meetings where we discuss what our aims and objectives are and they help by challenging me and vice versa and I think that is significant as it helps me gauge a better understanding of what needs to happen and ensures there is complete clarity amongst the group.

“When I say something to an individual player or the playing group it’s one thing but to hear it from a fellow player makes it several times more powerful.

“It is an exciting time for the Club to have this new structure and it is a perfect fit for our club and for where we are now.”

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