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RFL confirm Salford Red Devils update after Super League clubs meet to discuss dispensations

Salford Red Devils

The RFL have confirmed that Super League clubs have been updated on the financial position of Salford Red Devils with the key decision made that no salary cap dispensations will be afforded to rival teams.

Clubs met on Tuesday and were provided an update on the financial situation at Salford Red Devils after the club were granted £500,000 of central funding in advance back in November.

The Red Devils are reportedly currently searching for investment but it is expected that they will have to sell players to raise funds in a bid to balance their books.

One such suggestion had been that rival Super League clubs would be granted dispensation on both the salary cap and the overseas quota to provide the Red Devils with more suitors for their players.

That would have allowed clubs who have already spent up to the salary cap or that have already filled their overseas quota of seven players to go above those limits.

The RFL have now confirmed that no such changes will be made to salary cap regulations meaning that financial dispensations are out of the question – effectively killing several of the rumoured and reported deals dead in the water.

An RFL statement read: “Clubs were updated on the position at Salford following the conditions placed on the advance in their central distribution in December, and a number of options were considered – at this stage no changes have been made to salary cap regulations, but further proposals may be considered.”

Previously, Serious About Rugby League had revealed that Kallum Watkins was among the Salford players being considered by rival clubs with Wakefield Trinity believed to be one of those interested.

It’s also unclear what ‘further proposals’ the RFL may be considering in regards to the Salford Red Devils situation but it is clear that the club must cut costs or find investment – the latter being the outcome that Paul Rowley’s side will be hopeful of.

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