Today, with a 90% majority, clubs voted for bringing in IMG’s proposals which will see the end of traditional promotion and relegation.
As 33 clubs voted in favour of these changes two clubs weren’t permitted to vote in the shape of Toulouse Olympique as well as one of the top Super League clubs in the shape of Catalans Dragons and Jon Wilkin on Sky Sports wasn’t impressed by this at all.
“The interesting thing is Catalans Dragons don’t get a vote which I find remarkable. One of the leading teams in the competition, don’t get a vote on the rugby league council,” he said on the Rugby League Verdict.
“It is because they’re French and are not part of the rugby league council. It is the same for Toulouse.
“It is strange that they are not in. They are a valuable and visible part of our sport, get them involved in the decision making. We shouldn’t be having a vote without Catalans, they are one of the best clubs in the competition, just let them have their say.
“The politics creates inertia in sport. Let them in and let them have a vote.”
He is overall in support for the changes:
“Yes I am in favour without doubt. Rip it up and start again, do something different. I believe that change is scary for people and people resist change initially and people when you talk to them about the grading system are a little bit confused by it but I embrace change.
“I believe we should be architects of change in our sport. We are small and nimble and we should behave that way not like a big clunky organisation.”