4 Ways to Get Better as an Amateur Rugby Player

If you’ve recently taken up the sport of rugby and you’re enthusiastic about improving your skills and having more fun with your favourite game, you might be wondering what you can do to become a better rugby player. Because of the stark contrast between an amateur player and a collegiate or pro player, bringing your abilities to a very high level can be difficult, because the vast majority of the people who you’ll be playing against will not be operating on a pro level. Luckily, you can use the following tips to elevate your training and maximise your chances of becoming an elite rugby player in the near future:

1. Find a Local League

If you been wanting to play rugby league style instead of just settling for whatever matches you can put together at a local park, you might be surprised to learn that there are online platforms like PlaySport that will help you find existing leagues or create your own. This will put you in the company of other serious rugby players who treat the sport like more than just a game, which is exactly the kind of people you need to be surrounded by if you want to reach a pro level.

2. Invest in Training Content

There are plenty of rugby training videos and courses that will teach you the fundamentals and provide a proper introduction to the techniques used by pro players. Like every other sport, rugby is a mental game that can be played more effectively when you have a well-rounded knowledge of advanced strategies and moves.

3. Engage in Intense Strength Training

While speed is important in rugby, being stronger than the average person is probably the most essential trait to have because, even if you’re very fast, eventually someone else is going to get a hold of you on the field, and when that moment comes, you’ll need to be strong enough to power through and assert your will over the game. Aim for a rugby-oriented workout regimen that will have you gaining muscle and size instead of one that will have you staying lean or trim.

4. Run and Jog Frequently

Of course, speed and endurance are just as important as size in rugby, so you should make it a habit to go on daily runs. When you’re just getting into a schedule of doing this, you may encounter pronounced soreness in your legs. During that initial phase, it’s best to take 1-2 days off between runs and wait until the stiffness subsides to reduce the risk of injury and give your muscles time to build.

Practice Ball-Handling in Your Spare Time

Finally, one extra tip that’s worth mentioning to help you reduce the risk of fumbling or committing other embarrassing mishaps during a match is to spend at least 10-20 minutes per day doing a series of ball-handling exercises to improve your grip and overall control. If you heed the advice given in tip #2 above, you should learn about essential ball-handling exercises that you can incorporate into your practice regimen.

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